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Steel Garage Doors

Why Steel?

There are many benefits of steel garage doors. Safety and security, value for money, durability and attractiveness immediately spring to mind. Six key benefits to owners of a steel garage door installed in their home or commercial building include the following list. The list is not in a set order, because different owners have different priorities. Some will be driven by cost of ownership, others by attractiveness, and others by security. The important point to note is that this type of door will meet your particular preferences.


1. Value For Money


The initial cost of buying and installing a new steel door is, typically, less than that of a traditional wooden door. A steel door will last longer than one made from other synthetic or natural materials, will require less general maintenance, and will continue to look attractive. Modern galvanized steel doors will not rust or rot. The Texas weather will have less of an effect, so they will not need to be painted as frequently.


2. Safety and Security


Steel garage doors are strong. They withstand attack far better than many other materials. A would-be thief will not find the typical weak spots that come with wooden, fiberglass or some composite doors. In addition, should you be unfortunate enough to be the victim of a fire, the steel door will not become part of the problem, and will provide a safe escape route if other exterior doors are burning.


3. Energy Efficiency Comes Standard


Steel garage doors are well insulated. They come in sandwich-type or multi-layer manufacture, so you can choose a high insulation value. Lower quality doors allow a garage to become too hot in the summer, and too cold in the winter. If there is a work or living space over the garage, the occupant will have to use the furnace or the A/C to compete with that garage temperature below them. Steel doors lower your energy bills.


4. Inbuilt Beauty


Steel door panels are easy to mold and stamp into attractive shapes. They can be installed with a window panel of almost any style. The metal panels can be finished to produce different textures. The paint colors will suit both the door’s style and texture, resulting in a beautiful door that will enhance the property’s curb appeal. While this may not seem important as far as resale value is concerned, beauty is always welcome in any neighborhood. Since the door will need less frequent painting than other sorts of door, its beauty will last.


5. Less Maintenance


One of the worst things about garage doors is that they fail at the most inconvenient time. One of the less understood key benefits of steel garage doors is that, for all their strength, they are comparatively lightweight. The opener mechanism suffers less stress, so it performs longer without failing. Beauty, security, lower energy costs and less maintenance come standard with a steel garage door.

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Article by
All Pro Door Repairs

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