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Infiniti Fires

The Infiniti Fires™ range of superior gas and wood fires are at the forefront of technology, have striking looks and some of
the most efficient combustion systems in the world. Our units are highly advanced in their environmental friendliness,
maximising the heat from both gas and wood being burnt, whilst giving very little in the way of emissions into the atmosphere.

Infiniti Concept Wall.png

Infiniti Concept Wall

Flue-less Gas Fires

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Infiniti Picasso

Flue-less Gas Fires

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Infiniti Wood Inserts

Wood Stoves

Infiniti 8 Kw Freestanding (Cube Look).p

Infiniti 8 KW Freestanding (Cube Look)

Wood Stoves

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Infiniti Symphony

Flue-less Gas Fires

Classic Built in Unit.png

Classic Built-in Unit

Flue-less Gas Fires

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Slimline Built-in Unit

Flue-less Gas Fires

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